Financial Freedom includes the freedom to easily access our money and the freedom to use or spend it lawfully as we so choose. This implies protection against theft by excessive taxes.
In particular, financial freedom means the freedom to hold onto our money without fear of its losing value through the hidden tax of inflation. This gets us into the area of federal government spending, which when excessive, typically lead to the "borrowing" of new money into existence which does not simply cause inflation because it IS inflation.
In particular, financial freedom means the freedom to hold onto our money without fear of its losing value through the hidden tax of inflation. This gets us into the area of federal government spending, which when excessive, typically lead to the "borrowing" of new money into existence which does not simply cause inflation because it IS inflation.
How can we deal with the problem of inflation on the State of Georgia level?
We must make sure our taxing and spending policies are sound, of course, and as per the Georgia Constitution we must always balance the annual budget. But this is not all we must do.
We must also carefully disentangle Georgia from all money from the federal government for any purpose NOT delegated to the federal government by the US Constitution, without imposing undue hardship on the Citizens of Georgia; and we must never accept money from the federal government or from any other governmental or non-governmental entity which imposes any conditions which infringe upon our state sovereignty.
Finally, we must educate and organize the Georgia electorate to elect U.S. Representatives and U. S. Senators who will work together to restore financial sanity by:
We must also carefully disentangle Georgia from all money from the federal government for any purpose NOT delegated to the federal government by the US Constitution, without imposing undue hardship on the Citizens of Georgia; and we must never accept money from the federal government or from any other governmental or non-governmental entity which imposes any conditions which infringe upon our state sovereignty.
Finally, we must educate and organize the Georgia electorate to elect U.S. Representatives and U. S. Senators who will work together to restore financial sanity by:
- repealing the 16th (income tax) and 17th (popular senator elections) amendments of the U.S. Constitution; and
- repealing the Federal Reserve Act; and
- replacing our unsustainable financial system with a sound money system which prohibits the federal government from "borrowing" money into existence (and paying interest on this fiat money to private banks), and which prohibits the federal government from spending money for any purpose NOT delegated to it by the US Constitution.
Do you want financial freedom?